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What is The Spinal Flow Technique 

The Spinal Flow Technique is a gentle, non invasive clothes on modality that works by connecting with the nervous system via gentle touch using specific access points on the sacrum and cranium to help activate your body's inate healing wisdom to start to release blockages that are interfering with the messages from the nervous system out to every organ, cell, tissue and gland in your body causing pain, dis-ease or illness.

How does the Spinal Flow Technique work?

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Who created Spinal Flow

Developed by then chiropractor Dr Carli Axford after working many years as a Chiropractor she felt like there was something missing. Dr Carli's passion for knowledge saw her travel the globe and learn a large arrangement of healing modalities including network spinal analysis, bio geometric integration, torque release technique, sacro occipital technique, applied kinesiology, neuro emotional techniqie and EFT but she instinctively knew the 7 gateways of the spine offered the simplest tool for healing, Spinal Flow Technique was created!

What to expect at your initial appointment

Duration - approx 60 mins including first Spinal Flow session

The session will begin with a thorough intake process. Reviewing your client intake form, and any specific goals you have for your Spinal Flow session/s. Then you will be asked to demonstrate a series of movements eg, turning your head from side to side, your posture will also be assessed. After this, you will lay on the massage table and gentle palpation of sections of your spine and surrounding areas will be performed. Following this a discussion will take place where we discuss the report of findings from your assessments. Then your first Spinal Flow session will begin.

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